Home - Michael Faro | Executive, Futurist, and Speaker
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Become a Uniquist!

Many philosophers have indicated that the path to God is
through the discovery of your own uniqueness. I thus invite
you to join Uniquism and become a Uniquist as a path to the
discovery and deeper knowledge of God. Remember that
every human being on this planet is a unique individual.

Executive Summary

I have had a long and successful career as a top-level manager and technical expert in cutting-edge technologies in both the private and public sectors. This is combined with many years of experience in the financial sector. I have published articles on a vast array of topics and have been a guest panelist on Bloomberg and CNBC news. This has resulted in several invitations to the White House and meetings with four US presidents. For a full resume you can click here to send me a direct email.


My uniqueness is directly attributable to out-of-the-box thinking and believing that hope is a primal driving force. Without hope, it is difficult to survive even a single day. Everything that we accomplish is inevitably a consequence of hope.
“Hope is the magic carpet that transports us from the present into the realm of infinite possibilities”
H. Jackson Brown Jr.